Title of our new paperback book is “PLANTS of the PINEYWOODS of East Texas & West Louisiana Part 1: Herbaceous Eudicotyledon, Herbaceous Magnoliids & Nymphaeiids” – ISBN – 978-0-934115-18-6 and authors (text) – James E. Van Kley, artwork & publisher – Bruce Lyndon Cunningham is now available online to purchase.
This manual covers the herbaceous (non-woody) vascular (not mosses or liverworts) Eudicotyledon (largest of flowering plant groups) along with the herbaceous Magnoliids & waterlilies (Nymphaeiids) of the Pineywoods of east Texas & west Louisiana. Filling a major gap in earlier treatments, it marks the first time that there has been comprehensive coverage of the entire flora for this region in a local manual! This book also includes illustrated glossary with over 350 terms making it a self teacher.