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BOOK -Trees, Shrubs & Woody Vines E.TEX

Original price was: $105.56.Current price is: $87.86.

Title : “Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines of East Texas” by Dr. Elray Nixon

3rd Edition

(936) 462-0672

This book contains keys and illustrations for over 340 woody plants. It contains an illustrated glossary of 200 terms and keys that rely mostly on leaf, twig, and stem characteristics. This book can be used by botanists, naturalists, and foresters in nearby states to the north and east. This book is well known throughout Texas and has become the “Bible” of field manuals for East Texas Woody Plants.
SKU: 10005 Categories: ,

Title : “Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines of East Texas” by Dr. Elray Nixon 3rd Edition

(936) 462-0672

This book contains keys and illustrations for over 340 woody plants. It contains an illustrated glossary of 200 terms and keys that rely mostly on leaf, twig, and stem characteristics. This book can be used by botanists, naturalists, and foresters in nearby states to the north and east. This book is well known throughout Texas and has become the “Bible” of field manuals for East Texas Woody Plants.
Weight 24 oz
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 1.5 in


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