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Showing 169–180 of 181 results

  • $24.00

    Acer saccharum
    Size: 4″ Wood: Sugar Maple

  • $24.00

    Liriodendron tulipifera
    Size: 4″   Wood: Tulip Tree

  • $23.00$47.00

    Black Walnut (Cross) – Juglans nigra
    American Holly (Star) – Ilex opaca
    Sizes: 3″ or 5″

  • $22.00$48.00

    Black Walnut (Cross) – Juglans nigra
    American Holly (Star) – Ilex opaca
    Sizes: 3″ or 5

  • $23.00$48.00

    Southern Red Oak – Quercus falata
    Sizes: 3″ or 5″

  • $22.00$46.00

    American Beech (Cross) – Fagus grandifolia
    American Holly (Star) – Ilex opaca
    Sizes: 3″ or 5″

  • $20.00

    Eastern Red-cedar – Juniperus virginiana
    Sizes: 3″ or 5″

  • $22.00$47.00

    Southern Red Oak – Quercus falata (cross) Black Cherry – Prunus serotina
    Sizes: 3″ or  5″

  • $22.00$65.00

    Wood: White Oak – Quercus alba
    Different Necklaces:
    Wye Oak Tree -$27
    Wye Oak Acorn- $18
    Wye Oak Leaf – $22
    All Three – $55

    Also see “The Wye Oak” Print.

  • $115.00$958.95

    Fagus grandiflolia – American Beech

    Size of Frame: 21″ by 25″  Wood: American beech
    Print: $105.00 (Frame is not included)
    Frame/Print: $910.25

  • Original price was: $1,200.00.Current price is: $727.77.

    TITLE – “PLANTS of the PINEYWOODS of East Texas & West Louisiana”  CASE 12Books

    This book was Nominated for  the CBHL Award for 2024 here is the letter from CBHL. ……..Dear Bruce,

    I’m following up on my earlier email to make sure you received my letter announcing the nomination of your book.  I also realized that I had two email address on file, so am sending this message to both.  I’m also copying the address I found for your text author, James Van Kley.

    In the letter, I requested that the review copies be received by February 2nd.  As that is just a week away, I will suspend that deadline, but please send the review copies as soon as possible.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Best wishes,


    Co-chair, CBHL Annual Literature Award Committee

    Brian R. Thompson, MLS

    Manager and Curator of Horticultural Literature

    Elisabeth C. Miller Library

    PH  206.543.1434  EM


    Part 1 : Herbaceous Eudicotyledons, Herbaceous Magnoliids & Nymphaeiids

    By James Van Kley       Illustrated by Bruce Lyndon Cunningham

    ISBN : 978-0-934115-18-6

    This manual covers the herbaceous (non-woody) vascular (not mosses or liverworts) Eudicotyledons (largest of flowering plant groups) along with the herbaceous Magnoliids & waterlilies  (Nymphaeids) of the Pineywoods of east Texas & west Louisiana. Filling a major gap in earlier treatments, it marks the first time that there has been comprehensive coverage of the entire flora for this region in a local manual. Pages – 464; Size – 8.5″ x 11″  with 4″ French Folds

  • $127.95

    TITLE – “PLANTS of the PINEYWOODS of East Texas & West Louisiana” 

    This book was Nominated for  the CBHL Award for 2024 here is the letter from CBHL. ……..Dear Bruce,

    I’m following up on my earlier email to make sure you received my letter announcing the nomination of your book.  I also realized that I had two email address on file, so am sending this message to both.  I’m also copying the address I found for your text author, James Van Kley.

    In the letter, I requested that the review copies be received by February 2nd.  As that is just a week away, I will suspend that deadline, but please send the review copies as soon as possible.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Best wishes,


    Co-chair, CBHL Annual Literature Award Committee

    Brian R. Thompson, MLS

    Manager and Curator of Horticultural Literature

    Elisabeth C. Miller Library

    PH  206.543.1434  EM


    Part 1 : Herbaceous Eudicotyledons, Herbaceous Magnoliids & Nymphaeiids

    By James Van Kley       Illustrated by Bruce Lyndon Cunningham

    ISBN : 978-0-934115-18-6

    This manual covers the herbaceous (non-woody) vascular (not mosses or liverworts) Eudicotyledons (largest of flowering plant groups) along with the herbaceous Magnoliids & waterlilies  (Nymphaeids) of the Pineywoods of east Texas & west Louisiana. Filling a major gap in earlier treatments, it marks the first time that there has been comprehensive coverage of the entire flora for this region in a local manual. Pages – 464; Size – 8.5″ x 11″  with 4″ French Folds